Showing 121-130 results of 287

Coaching / Executive Coaching

Emergenetics® Professional AssessmentThere’s one way to truly realize your personal and professional potential…and that’s through enhanced self-awareness. The Emergenetics® Professional Assessment will give you this insight.Who Should Participate?The Emergenetics® 3-hour workshop is ideal for both i…

Multi-Day (Series) Training Programs

Best Care Learning Series are presented in an ongoing format consisting of 4-6 weekly sessions. If your organization contracts with Best Care for EAP services, the Learning Series are available at client-preferred rates.Four Week Series: The Influential Leader New for 2024, The Influential Leader Se…

No More Resolutions! Best Care EAP Offers a New Approach

According to an article about the origins of New Year’s resolutions, “the ancient Babylonians are said to have been the first people to make New Year’s resolutions, some 4,000 years ago. They also made promises to the gods to pay their debts and return any object they had borrowed. These promises co…

Not in my neighborhood: The Facts of Methamphetamine Abuse

Methamphetamine, is it just a trend or an epidemic? Unfortunately, statistics show that meth isn’t just a passing trend. The average age of new users is 18.4 years and meth lab seizures have gone up 577% nationally since 1995. Dangers Associated with Meth Use Meth is inexpensive and relatively eas…

Three Benefits of Self-Awareness

Did you know psychologists study the ways people are in tune with their actions and perceptions? The result of this research often reveals tips to help you be more in touch with your thoughts, feelings and how you approach daily interactions with others.  Self-awareness allows you to influence outc…

Let's Explore Happy Places

Most likely, you’ve heard the term happy place. A “happy place” is somewhere you can retreat to and get away from the stress of day-to-day busyness. It’s a place that brings you peace.Happy places are different for everyone. For some, it’s a place that’s tranquil and may involve daydreaming, meditat…

Nervous vs. Stressed

The presentation was set to begin in minutes and Susan had just been handed a stack of papers. Across the table from her was the finance committee and members of the board of directors. Susan was scrambling to find a few key numbers she needed to share. She knew she was capable and would conduct an …