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Training and Organizational Development

With more than 70 training programs available, finding the right one for your team is easy.
Upcoming Events
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Training Request Form
Complete our online form to request a specific training session or service for your organization.

Best Care EAP professional development opportunities provide participants the chance to build on their existing skills and enhance the attributes which they’ve had all along, all in a collaborative, educational setting. Best Care EAP Consultants/Trainers have vast knowledge spanning from human resources, organizational development, industrial/organizational psychology, education, talent development and recruiting. Evidence-based practices are followed when developing our curriculum.

All Best Care EAP trainings employ interactive methods of learning and offer real work-life examples. In addition to a wide variety of topic options, we also have the ability to develop a completely customized training program to fit your organization’s needs. See our 2024 Training Catalog.

Employer/Employee Orientations

Best Care EAP Orientations are essential to the promotion of the program. When onboarding or as a reminder, Best Care EAP orientations will explain the scope and purpose of the program, as well as how easy it is to access services.

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Hour or Less Training Programs*

Best Care EAP Training Essentials are one hour programs that can be facilitated at your work site or via live webinars. You may have service hours included in your Best Care EAP contract. If not, you may purchase any of the classes listed in the catalog.

*Service hour eligible.

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Full Day Training Programs

The Best Care Academy consists of full day management and leadership training opportunities. These courses can be facilitated at your worksite, or individuals can attend sessions hosted by Best Care. If you are a Best Care EAP member organization, Academy sessions are available at client-preferred rates.

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Multi-Day/Series Training Programs

Best Care Learning Series are presented in an ongoing format consisting of 4-6 weekly sessions. If your organization contracts with Best Care for EAP services, the Learning Series are available at client-preferred rates.

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Meet Our Trainer

Best Care EAP provides on-site courses and workshops on a variety of topics to deliver the support you and your company need.

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