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Full Day Training Programs

Upcoming Events Calendar
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Best Care EAP Academy Training consists of full day and multiple session classes designed to help managers learn new tools and effective tips to keep their team members on top of changing priorities and every day stressors.

Areas of focus include basic management boot camp, conflict resolution boot camp, managing for maximum results, dealing with difficult employees, change management and also many leadership options for a manager of any level to learn and be competitive in today’s constantly changing work environment.


Full Day Programs

Sessions are in-person at the Best Care EAP office unless otherwise noted. Full day sessions are 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. with lunch on your own from 12-1 p.m. Parking is free.

Management Boot Camp

Managing is one tough job! Best Care’s “basic training” boot camp provides everything a new manager or seasoned professional will need to survive in today’s ever-changing work environment. Learn how to: keep employees motivated while setting clear expectations; promote independence while encouraging initiative and most importantly, “think” like a manager!

2024 Class Dates:

Conflict Resolution Academy

You know it happens! No one wants to deal with it—everyone wants to avoid it. Conflicts at work can be destructive! Handle it well and communication, team building and creativity soar. Handle it poorly and chaos and drama abound! Learning to resolve conflicts is a must.

2024 Class Dates:

Leadership in Action

Do more than delegate. Take charge and build your leadership skills with Leadership in Action boot camp. It has been proven that the higher you go in leadership, the more the heart counts. Leading from a place of passion has resulted in companies reaching unheard of success.

2024 Class Date:

Managing Resistance to Change

70% of change initiatives fail to achieve their goals. This session will help you succeed by identifying the psychological processes that shape individual, team, and organizational reactions to change. Strategies for using your knowledge of these processes to help design and execute successful change. How to communicate in ways that help turn resistance into trust and trust into momentum for change.

2024 Class Date:

Meet Our Trainer

Best Care EAP provides on-site courses and workshops on a variety of topics to deliver the support you and your company need.

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