Showing 31-40 results of 287

Children's Reactions to Traumatic Events (Article)

Most children need help from their parents, family, teachers, ministers or others with understanding their reactions after experiencing a disaster or traumatic event. Generally, their reactions subside in a few hours or days after they have effectively processed them. The following is a list of beha…

Coping Suggestions Following Trauma (Article)

Suggestions for you Remember your reactions are not unusual – they are normal reactions to an abnormal event. Structure your time and keep busy. Get plenty of rest. Do things you enjoy and remember to take care of yourself. Eat well-balanced and regular meals even if you don’t feel much like ea…

Coping Suggestions for Grieving

Find a family member, close friend or a member of the clergy and talk with them about your experience. Don’t carry the burden alone; share it with those who care about you. Experience your feelings as they arise if possible. Make time to cry as you feel the need.  Be gentle on yourself. Put your t…

Critical Incident Aftershocks Can Be Pervasive

Information for the Manager and Supervisor  There’s a tendency for everyone affected by a critical incident at the workplace to try to “carry on as usual.” It’s a normal response, but usually not the best one. Companies that make it clear to employees that things “aren’t as usual” are less at risk …

Dealing With Thoughts of Suicide

Two more celebrities who seemed to have everything together chose to take their own lives. If those who have “fame and fortune” find life impossible to take, what about those who live lives that are “usual and ordinary”? Every day, there are people around us who struggle with life. It is not always…

Depression Getting Over the Hurdle

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression strikes over 17 million people every year—that is more than AIDS, cancer and heart disease combined. Yet depression is still misunderstood and often goes untreated.  For those suffering from depression, the key to restored health and h…

Factors that Can Cause Grief

The death of a loved one is not the only loss that can cause grief.  Almost any significant change or turning point in your life can cause a sense of loss. Positive or negative, big or small, a meaningful loss can bring on the feelings and process of grief. Increasing your knowledge on the following…

Helping Children Adjust After A Traumatic Event (Article)

Here are some clear ways you, as an adult, can help children deal with traumatic experiences. Tell them the facts (appropriate to age) Listen to what they have to say Be honest, even if you do not know certain facts Tell them how you feel Provide reassurance of safety to the child; appropriate …

Helping Others Through Grief and Loss

Be supportive and understanding. Encourage the person who experienced the loss to accept the grief rather than fight it. Be willing to just be with the person without doing anything extraordinary. Your calmness and clarity can be very reassuring. Encourage the grieving person to express their real…

Helping Survivors of Suicide

Family members, friends or co-workers of someone who has committed suicide may suffer alone and in silence. The isolation that surrounds them often complicates the healing of grief. Survivors feel emotional pain from the loss and may be reluctant to, or not know how to, deal with these feelings. You…