Showing 201-210 results of 287

Warning Signs of Suicide

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention recommends taking any comment or behavior seriously that could indicate someone is thinking about suicide. Over 300,000 people die by suicide each year. It was once thought that talking to someone about his/her suicide comment or behavior would somehow…

Tapping into the Power of Positivity

It appears the human mind is not capable of NOT THINKING, at least on the subconscious level. Our mind is always occupied by thoughts, whether we want to or not, and they influence our every action. As kids, our thoughts are almost purely positive. Have you ever been around a 4-year old who doesn’t …

Preparing for Your First Counseling Session Flyer

The first step is done. You made an appointment and maybe now you are wondering what you can do to be prepared. Our Best Care EAP counselors have five tips to share to help you be ready.  Download flyer…

Referral Process Guidebook for Employers

As a supervisor, your role is to help employees find ways to correct performance problems. Of course, you hope your employees seek help for personal problems before they become performance problems.  Use this guidebook to help you get started with understanding your role as manager in helping an em…