Showing 241-250 results of 287

Providing Help and Hope Through Suicide Awareness and Prevention

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports there’s one death by suicide every 11 minutes in the U.S., and it affects all ages. In 2020, suicide was among the top nine leading causes of death for people ages 10-64. Despite increasing rates of suicide, it’s still a topic that can make people feel …

4 Tips To Tame the Complaining and Make It Work for You

We all have that person in our lives. The one with the half-empty glass. They can’t help but see an outcome as turning out poorly and lack hope for anything exciting or good. All they seem to do is grumble and moan. We all grumble and whine from time to time. And you most likely don’t see anything …

The Dangers of Social Media and How We're All Addicted

It turns out that the Virtual World is just as dangerous as the real world, perhaps more so since it is cloaked in deception. Nicole Winkler is a Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner and Drug and Alcohol Addiction Counselor.  Nicole discusses with Matt that anyone who uses social media i…

Choose To Be Better With These 4 Self-Improvement Rules

There's never a 'right time' to look at how we can improve. Seize the moment!  Let's start now to make self-improvement changes in our personal lives.  To make strides, it helps to know the difference between desired change and needed change. When we desire something, it’s usually something that’s …

8 tips to help you keep cool in stressful situations!

When a serious situation arises at work, your first instinct may be to panic. Unfortunately, severe anxiety and stress can result in a complete meltdown. Here are 8 tips to help you keep cool in stressful situations: Don’t react immediately. Be patient and collect as much information as possible.  …

I Need to Unplug! De-stressing Tactics From the Experts at Best Care EAP

If you think counselors don’t use stress management tips, think again!Mental health counselors are known to share ideas and tips with each other to manage tension. Some even feel it makes them a better mental health professional because they practice what they preach.It’s a misconception to think co…

The Life-Changing Magic of Gratitude

We’re approaching the time of year marked by gatherings, traditions and celebrations among families and friends. The heartwarming nature of this season often inspires heartfelt expressions of gratitude.But don’t forget to count your blessings all year long, as research indicates that gratitude can p…